How can we use this vast knowledge?

And, how can all this knowledge be used to our benefit?



Very easy!

We know that there are hereditary disorders that can be transmitted to the offspring under a specific risk probability.

For many of these diseases, it is nowadays possible to determine which foetuses are healthy or affected, and if the unborn child is affected, we can give the couple the option to terminate the pregnancy.

We also know that in order for pregnancy to occur, the ovum and sperm cell that will fertilize must go through the phases of PRODUCTION and UNION, and once the egg is fertilized by IMPLANTATION (or nesting).



Thus, we can conclude that when faced with a particular disorder, we have different options available:

    • One option is to establish a prenatal diagnosis, if such prenatal diagnosis is possible and accepted by the couple.
    • Or if this prenatal diagnos is not possible, or it is possible, but the couple refuses to undergo the tests, we can change or manipulate some aspect of the stages the fertilising cells will go through. This measure will lower the couple’s risk to that of the general population, which is always below 1%. This procedure is called primary prevention.

How can we influence these stages?

By means of assisted reproduction techniques.

Next topic: Prenatal Diagnosis Techniques

Reviewed: 3rd of November 2014